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The Cartridge Paymaster is a powerful feature that enables gasless transactions for your users, creating a more seamless Web3 experience. When enabled, the paymaster automatically covers transaction fees on behalf of your users, eliminating the need for them to hold ETH / STRK for gas fees.


The paymaster service is available across all networks with different activation requirements:

  • Testnet Networks
    • Automatically enabled, no additional setup required
  • Mainnet
    • Available but requires setup
    • Teams need to contact Cartridge to:
      • Define usage scopes
      • Establish spending limits


One of the key benefits of the Cartridge Paymaster is that it requires zero additional integration work. When the paymaster is enabled for your application. Paymaster will automatically activate for all eligible transactions when enabled for your application. No code changes or configuration are needed.

Getting Started on Mainnet

To enable the paymaster service for your mainnet application:

  1. Fill out the enrollment form
  2. Prepare application's transaction scopes and subsidy policies
  3. Our team will follow up with next steps
  4. Once approved, the paymaster will automatically activate for your application