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Achievement Creation

Getting Started

Emit events to define your achievements.

The package provides a way to define achievements leveraging Starknet components.

pub mod Actions {
    use arcade_trophy::components::achievable::AchievableComponent; 
    use arcade_trophy::types::task::{Task, TaskTrait}; 
    component!(path: AchievableComponent, storage: achievable, event: AchievableEvent); 
    impl AchievableInternalImpl = AchievableComponent::InternalImpl<ContractState>; 
    struct Storage {
        achievable: AchievableComponent::Storage, 
    #[derive(Drop, starknet::Event)]
    enum Event {
        AchievableEvent: AchievableComponent::Event, 
      // Constructor
    fn dojo_init(self: @ContractState) {
        // [Event] Emit all Achievement creation events
        let world ="<YOUR-NAMESPACE>");
        let task_id = 'TASK_IDENTIFIER';
        let task_target = 100;
        let task = TaskTrait::new(task_id, task_target, "Do something 100 times");
        let tasks: Span<Task> = array![task].span();
                id: 'ACHIEVEMENT_IDENTIFIER', 
                hidden: false, 
                index: 0, 
                points: 10, 
                start: 0, 
                end: 0, 
                group: 'Group', 
                title: "Achievement title", 
                description: "The achievement description", 
                tasks: tasks, 
                data: "", 
                icon: 'fa-trophy',

API References


    self: @ComponentState<TContractState>,
    world: WorldStorage,
    id: felt252,
    hidden: bool,
    index: u8,
    points: u16,
    start: u64,
    end: u64,
    group: felt252,
    icon: felt252,
    title: felt252,
    description: ByteArray,
    tasks: Span<Task>,
    data: ByteArray,

See also AchievableComponent


  • self: The component state.
  • world: The world storage.
  • id: The achievement identifier, it should be unique.
  • hidden: Speicify if you want the achievement to be hidden in the controller UI.
  • index: The achievement index which is the page in which the achievement will be displayed within the group.
  • points: The achievement points to reward the player.
  • start: The achievement start timestamp, it should be used for ephemeral achievements, 0 for everlasting achievements.
  • end: The achievement end timestamp, it should be used for ephemeral achievements, 0 for everlasting achievements.
  • group: The achievement group, it should be used to group achievements together (see also index to define multiple pages).
  • icon: The achievement icon, it should be a FontAwesome icon name (e.g. fa-trophy).
  • title: The achievement title.
  • description: The achievement global description.
  • tasks: The achievement tasks (see also Task type).
  • data: The achievement data, not used yet but could have a future use.


pub struct Task {
    id: felt252,
    total: u32,
    description: ByteArray,

See also Task


  • id: The task identifier, it should be unique but used in several achievements.
  • total: The task target, once reached the achievement task is completed.
  • description: The task description.
